Monday, 27 June 2016

Three way conferences are coming up! They will be held in the first week of term 3, on Tuesday 26th, Wednesday 27th, and Thursday 27th July. 

All conferences need to be booked online at 
The school code is rgg6w. If you do not have internet access at home, you can book online at the school office. 

I look forward to seeing you all at conferences!

Monday, 20 June 2016

Types Of Trees!!

We have been learning about trees as a part of our concept, ecosystems. 

So, for writing we wrote about different types of trees! Check out Cody's awesome explanation about evergreen and deciduous trees!

Types of trees!!

Evergreen Trees!

Evergreen trees are a type of tree that always have leaves. They are big trees with green needles all over them. Old evergreen trees may loose some of their leaves in the winter due to falling branches. 

Evergreen trees are a good source of fire wood because they are big and sometimes have pine cones growing all over them. Evergreen trees can grow up to 150 feet tall, which can save us money because they produce up to 45m of shade. Evergreen trees are homes for lots of animals such as bids, beetles, bees, owls and many more. They can also produce tree sap which is said to be soothing medication for burns and sores. These trees are also known to be good Christmas trees and can be found in both warm and cold conditions. As well as being able to produce medication evergreen trees can also smell very nice. To some people it's a soothing fragrance.

Deciduous trees!

Deciduous trees are a type of tree that loose their leaves. These trees can be found in NZ, North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Texas, Australia, Florida and Minnesota. 

Deciduous trees loose their leaves in autumn, winter and dry seasons. In the summer they give up to 30m of shade. These trees can help you save money in the summer, so instead of having air conditioning you could cool your house down with a deciduous tree in your front/back yard! Deciduous trees produce tree sap which has lots and lots of vitamin c in it. 

My favourite tree is the evergreen tree because it doesn't  make a big mess in your front/back yard!

By Cody!

Monday, 6 June 2016


What is the Hell Pizza reading Challenge?

Hell Pizza wants to reward New Zealand children who

read books.

Complete the pizza wheel (available from Susie) by reading 7 books,

and then go to any Hell store and redeem it for a free 333 Hell

Pizza…It’s that simple!

After reading each book students must fill out a book review or

summary and return it to Susie, who will then clip and sign a pizza

wedge from their wheel. This process has to be done each time

students finish a book. When they have done this for the seventh time

they bring their completed wheel to Susie, who will then authenticate

the wheel with the school stamp. The wheel is then able to be taken

to local Hell store to receive their free 333 Kids healthy Pizza.

Just follow the rules and happy reading will lead to happy pizza


- Every student must read 7 books to fill up their wheel

to able to receive their free 333 healthy pizza in PERSON from your

local Hell store.

- There is no limit on the number of wheels a student can

fill up between March and December, provided they are stamped and

authenticated by Susie.

- The students must redeem their free pizza in person

and before the expiry date, which is Sunday December 4 th , 2016.

Each pizza wheel will feature detailed rules and regulations, as well

as a serial number that will be traced back to your school/library.

We do this to ensure a high standard of conduct. It’s our honour
