WALT use paragraphs to organise our ideas
Baby Fight!
Thursday 13th October we had to go into lock-down. We went into lock-down because of babies! The babies had butter knives and barbie dolls in the other hand. The alarm went like this... " Woop woop." Over and over again
Miss R and Mr J locked all the doors and turned off the lights. Straight after the alarm. We had been reading for 5 minutes. We took our books with us. I lay down next to Sophia and Taj. After 5 minutes I saw a cute little baby outside and walked to room 1 and the another walked to room 2. All of a sudden Mrs Hurley came and knocked on our door and said, " Lock-down is over, time to come out."
Miss R and Mr J looked outside and there was no one there. We went to the courts. Then bam! Out they come. Everyone screamed except for me. I love babies. So I went up to one and said, " Why are you here." " We want melted butter." They said. I said, " Okay." I went to the staff room and melted some butter for everyone.
After all of that, room 3 had a talk. During it Mrs Savidan messaged everyone this. " How long is the drill? I'm still stuck in my office."
By Evangeline
Yesterday we had the most funny lock down ever! This is how it all began.
So everyone in our class was doing SSR and it was just a normal day. But suddenly the alarm " Woop, Woop we all scrambled to the middle of the room lying down! Miss R & Mr J was locking all the doors, windows and turning the lights off.
We didn't know why we were here until we saw a man with a butter knife! 5 minutes later we saw him knock on the office door and said," Does anyone have some bread that I could use for my sandwich?"
The office ran to get some bread and slid it under the door.The man said," Thanks, Bye!" He walked out of the school grounds.
Then Mrs Hurley came and said," Everything's alright!" That was the most funny lock down ever.
By Jaden
WALT vary our sentences
Once upon a time , I was walking through a forest. The forest was spooky with lot's of trees and dead trees. Suddenly, I found a Megladon searching through the forest. I made a huge shield with fire lazers on it. I was really scared. I wanted to find wood so I could make a tree house. But suddenly I found something glowing. It was gold. I picked it up and it was a brand new hammer with screws on it. I found some wood, I thought about making a tree house. It was getting dark so I sat down and slept.
I woke up in the morning and I saw the bright light shining in my eyes. But I saw a terrible Megladon shark. It was heading to me. I hid behind a tree, and it went away. I made a tree house with woods. I hammered and hammered until I finally made a golden tree house. I was so happy. Now I had to find a way to kill the Megladon. I found a secret potion on the ground. The colour of it was red. When the shark came close to me I sprayed it on his face and it dissappeared. I finally killed a Megladon. I jumped in the air. I thought about using the secret weapon to protect my self. So I stayed in my house that I've made and lived forever.
By Keito
One misty winters morning, I was taking a walk through a big dark forest. When suddenly, I hear a crackle in the trees! I turn around to face something you would never believe! A big scary blood sucking cloud shark!
I tried to run. But it was too late… The cloud shark picked me up in his mouth and flew into something that looked like a cave. When the shark went in, he dropped me on the floor. I was knocked out!
When I woke up I found myself in the corner of the cave with a circle of baby cloud sharks around me. The next thing I knew was that the leader of all the cloud sharks came over to me. He said “We would like you to be our chef!” I thought for a little while. Then I spoke “I would love to be your chef!”
After that, they showed me to their brand new clean kitchen! I ran in, I was so happy! They told me that there was a bell for dinner lunch and breakfast, so I needed to deliver straight after it. For breakfast I made smoked salmon salad, for lunch rice and tuna, and for dinner some lovely fish soup! Everybody loved my cooking and me! I loved my new job and hope to have it forever!
By Cody
Alone In A World
One misty morning i woke up in a strange world and I was lost, un-sure where I was. I was alone. I got up and saw big, tall brown things that were chipped all over. Some of them were empty beyond it's chipped coat. I did something and two grubby but smooth things attached to me made me slowly creep forward, until. i heard something go, "Crack!", "Bash!" I was filled with fear as a unique creation zoomed past me! It looks like something that lives in the sea from the other world, It can sense me. Its knocked me down with it's fins. Oh no. I fell into some clear mysterious liquid. It had a nice taste. I used the upper part of my body to get out of this liquid. I had things that were sucking something from me. I lightly shook them off the bottom parts of me. Suddenly... I saw the same unique creation darting towards me. I leave. I go to another place. Somewhere peaceful. Goodbye.
By Bradley
One misty dark night, I was wondering around the woods secretly without my parents knowing. Then suddenly I heard a big cracking sound coming from the trees. I slowly turned my head and body around. Mysteriously out from no where facing me was a terrifying killer shark! My eyes opened as wide as possible. But then I secretly said in my head "Good sharky try not to eat me" I was to scared to say it out loud because if I do the shark would've eaten my guts. I know what your thinking. EWWWW! That's disgusting. I know I know it is disgusting. Okay let's carry on with our story. So as I secretly whispered inside my brain I have to run as fast as I can like Bolt from the 2016 Olympics, but I cant run as fast as fast as him so I just ran normally. As I was running I said in my head AHHHHHHHH! An ugly killer shark is trying to eat me which is true I don't know maybe I'm just day dreaming or imagining my self but since I was running I can see my house I said to my self quick Hanna before the shark eats you. Then finally I was all safe!
Shark Forest
As soon as I left school, I hurried to the forest because it's the quickest way home. When I was in the middle of the forest, I was lost... I panicked. But soon I heard a loud crack. A tree fell down nearly on top of me. I screamed so loud they could probably hear me from Paris! Something came close to me. It was a blooded, killer hammerhead shark!
I ran and ran away. The hammerhead followed. But when I stopped, the hammerhead stopped a ruler away ( 30cm away). It came closer. The killer hammerhead is a male, I realised. " Maybe it wants his family," I said to my self. So I went up to him... I touched his nose and he snuggled into me. Finally I made a decision... I'm keeping him!
I'm calling you Forest! Forest took me home though the forest. Forest will live in the forest, so he doesn't get caught.
By Evangeline
WALT use paragraphs to organise our ideas
Baby Fight!
Thursday 13th October we had to go into lock-down. We went into lock-down because of babies! The babies had butter knives and barbie dolls in the other hand. The alarm went like this... " Woop woop." Over and over again
Miss R and Mr J locked all the doors and turned off the lights. Straight after the alarm. We had been reading for 5 minutes. We took our books with us. I lay down next to Sophia and Taj. After 5 minutes I saw a cute little baby outside and walked to room 1 and the another walked to room 2. All of a sudden Mrs Hurley came and knocked on our door and said, " Lock-down is over, time to come out."
Miss R and Mr J looked outside and there was no one there. We went to the courts. Then bam! Out they come. Everyone screamed except for me. I love babies. So I went up to one and said, " Why are you here." " We want melted butter." They said. I said, " Okay." I went to the staff room and melted some butter for everyone.
After all of that, room 3 had a talk. During it Mrs Savidan messaged everyone this. " How long is the drill? I'm still stuck in my office."
By Evangeline
Yesterday we had the most funny lock down ever! This is how it all began.
So everyone in our class was doing SSR and it was just a normal day. But suddenly the alarm " Woop, Woop we all scrambled to the middle of the room lying down! Miss R & Mr J was locking all the doors, windows and turning the lights off.
We didn't know why we were here until we saw a man with a butter knife! 5 minutes later we saw him knock on the office door and said," Does anyone have some bread that I could use for my sandwich?"
The office ran to get some bread and slid it under the door.The man said," Thanks, Bye!" He walked out of the school grounds.
Then Mrs Hurley came and said," Everything's alright!" That was the most funny lock down ever.
By Jaden
WALT vary our sentences

Once upon a time , I was walking through a forest. The forest was spooky with lot's of trees and dead trees. Suddenly, I found a Megladon searching through the forest. I made a huge shield with fire lazers on it. I was really scared. I wanted to find wood so I could make a tree house. But suddenly I found something glowing. It was gold. I picked it up and it was a brand new hammer with screws on it. I found some wood, I thought about making a tree house. It was getting dark so I sat down and slept.
I woke up in the morning and I saw the bright light shining in my eyes. But I saw a terrible Megladon shark. It was heading to me. I hid behind a tree, and it went away. I made a tree house with woods. I hammered and hammered until I finally made a golden tree house. I was so happy. Now I had to find a way to kill the Megladon. I found a secret potion on the ground. The colour of it was red. When the shark came close to me I sprayed it on his face and it dissappeared. I finally killed a Megladon. I jumped in the air. I thought about using the secret weapon to protect my self. So I stayed in my house that I've made and lived forever.
By Keito
One misty winters morning, I was taking a walk through a big dark forest. When suddenly, I hear a crackle in the trees! I turn around to face something you would never believe! A big scary blood sucking cloud shark!
I tried to run. But it was too late… The cloud shark picked me up in his mouth and flew into something that looked like a cave. When the shark went in, he dropped me on the floor. I was knocked out!
When I woke up I found myself in the corner of the cave with a circle of baby cloud sharks around me. The next thing I knew was that the leader of all the cloud sharks came over to me. He said “We would like you to be our chef!” I thought for a little while. Then I spoke “I would love to be your chef!”
After that, they showed me to their brand new clean kitchen! I ran in, I was so happy! They told me that there was a bell for dinner lunch and breakfast, so I needed to deliver straight after it. For breakfast I made smoked salmon salad, for lunch rice and tuna, and for dinner some lovely fish soup! Everybody loved my cooking and me! I loved my new job and hope to have it forever!
By Cody
By Cody
Alone In A World
One misty morning i woke up in a strange world and I was lost, un-sure where I was. I was alone. I got up and saw big, tall brown things that were chipped all over. Some of them were empty beyond it's chipped coat. I did something and two grubby but smooth things attached to me made me slowly creep forward, until. i heard something go, "Crack!", "Bash!" I was filled with fear as a unique creation zoomed past me! It looks like something that lives in the sea from the other world, It can sense me. Its knocked me down with it's fins. Oh no. I fell into some clear mysterious liquid. It had a nice taste. I used the upper part of my body to get out of this liquid. I had things that were sucking something from me. I lightly shook them off the bottom parts of me. Suddenly... I saw the same unique creation darting towards me. I leave. I go to another place. Somewhere peaceful. Goodbye.
By Bradley
One misty dark night, I was wondering around the woods secretly without my parents knowing. Then suddenly I heard a big cracking sound coming from the trees. I slowly turned my head and body around. Mysteriously out from no where facing me was a terrifying killer shark! My eyes opened as wide as possible. But then I secretly said in my head "Good sharky try not to eat me" I was to scared to say it out loud because if I do the shark would've eaten my guts. I know what your thinking. EWWWW! That's disgusting. I know I know it is disgusting. Okay let's carry on with our story. So as I secretly whispered inside my brain I have to run as fast as I can like Bolt from the 2016 Olympics, but I cant run as fast as fast as him so I just ran normally. As I was running I said in my head AHHHHHHHH! An ugly killer shark is trying to eat me which is true I don't know maybe I'm just day dreaming or imagining my self but since I was running I can see my house I said to my self quick Hanna before the shark eats you. Then finally I was all safe!
Shark Forest
As soon as I left school, I hurried to the forest because it's the quickest way home. When I was in the middle of the forest, I was lost... I panicked. But soon I heard a loud crack. A tree fell down nearly on top of me. I screamed so loud they could probably hear me from Paris! Something came close to me. It was a blooded, killer hammerhead shark!
I ran and ran away. The hammerhead followed. But when I stopped, the hammerhead stopped a ruler away ( 30cm away). It came closer. The killer hammerhead is a male, I realised. " Maybe it wants his family," I said to my self. So I went up to him... I touched his nose and he snuggled into me. Finally I made a decision... I'm keeping him!
I'm calling you Forest! Forest took me home though the forest. Forest will live in the forest, so he doesn't get caught.
By Evangeline
My Shark escape!
One hot summer day, i was taking a stroll through the woods. I was so excited to see what i could find! Along with me were Jade and Rory!
We were having a great time until... Brrr. Thunder was rumbling
and lightning started to strike!I looked back, Rory and Jade were gone! Nowhere in sight. Then i turned behind me and there was a big, vicious Goblin Shark in the air! My heart was pumping like a bike and my legs were shaking to death!
I needed to get away from this flying Shark, but i didn't know what to do! Then all of a sudden i found this rope infront of me. Very slowly i followed the rope and it led me to a secret Aquarium! It was amazing!
Later i left the awesome Aquarium and went home! Hoping to never see the furious Goblin Shark again!
By Sophia
One hot summer day, i was taking a stroll through the woods. I was so excited to see what i could find! Along with me were Jade and Rory!
We were having a great time until... Brrr. Thunder was rumbling
and lightning started to strike!I looked back, Rory and Jade were gone! Nowhere in sight. Then i turned behind me and there was a big, vicious Goblin Shark in the air! My heart was pumping like a bike and my legs were shaking to death!
I needed to get away from this flying Shark, but i didn't know what to do! Then all of a sudden i found this rope infront of me. Very slowly i followed the rope and it led me to a secret Aquarium! It was amazing!
Later i left the awesome Aquarium and went home! Hoping to never see the furious Goblin Shark again!
We were having a great time until... Brrr. Thunder was rumbling
and lightning started to strike!I looked back, Rory and Jade were gone! Nowhere in sight. Then i turned behind me and there was a big, vicious Goblin Shark in the air! My heart was pumping like a bike and my legs were shaking to death!
I needed to get away from this flying Shark, but i didn't know what to do! Then all of a sudden i found this rope infront of me. Very slowly i followed the rope and it led me to a secret Aquarium! It was amazing!
Later i left the awesome Aquarium and went home! Hoping to never see the furious Goblin Shark again!
By Sophia
General Sharkler world
September 18 year 2109 sharks are taking over the world!Everyone is trying to escape from General Sharkler. I ran to the forest to get something but thud!I shivered up my spine I dived into a barrel and waited. A shark patrol was coming,then it got silent. I ran with a dark shard with me,I used the shard and was greeted by dark fire people "Hello again what do you need?' said to the fire people. "Do you have anything to stop the sharks?'I said. They gave me a key and I left I wondered around the forest until crack! A tree fell down I turned my back to the noise there was a shark and it was going to eat me!I ran as fast as the wind and ran to the rocket with people on it while the shark was chasing me! The rocket flew away and human kind was gone on earth. Sharks now rule earth.
By Ben
WALT write complex by expanding them and adding detail
It was a lovely warm autumn day and I was looking for nuts minding my own business when suddenly a big dangerous hawk with huge beady eyes came darting at me!
I started scurrying, I scurried as fast as I could through the forest of falling leaves. Then I had a great idea! I thought that if i climbed the trees the hawk wouldn't find me.But i was wrong! The hawk swarmed after me. Right to the tippy top of the tree! I had no where to go so I just kept climbing and climbing until i came to a branch that lead over to another tree!
I ran and across and found myself in my home tree! I ran into my drey and hid! I hoped that the hawk wouldn't find me. But I was wrong AGAIN! The hawk landed on top of my drey and started to break it to pieces.
Then I found myself falling out of the tree with the hawk right behind me! It felt like I was falling for ages.
But as soon as I hit the ground I started running again and then I climbed another tree.
Then i actually had no where to go! The only way out was to try to take a huge leap to the next tree! But i realised it was either death or survival. I was determined to succeed. And I did!
I ran and ran all over the tree until I found somewhere to hide. There was a hollow hole in the tree and it was the perfect size for me!
I went inside the hole and calmed myself down. I had survived!
The hawk flew away. The war was won!!! It was a miracle! I hope this never happens to me again. Today was a life threatening day!
By Cody
September 18 year 2109 sharks are taking over the world!Everyone is trying to escape from General Sharkler. I ran to the forest to get something but thud!I shivered up my spine I dived into a barrel and waited. A shark patrol was coming,then it got silent. I ran with a dark shard with me,I used the shard and was greeted by dark fire people "Hello again what do you need?' said to the fire people. "Do you have anything to stop the sharks?'I said. They gave me a key and I left I wondered around the forest until crack! A tree fell down I turned my back to the noise there was a shark and it was going to eat me!I ran as fast as the wind and ran to the rocket with people on it while the shark was chasing me! The rocket flew away and human kind was gone on earth. Sharks now rule earth.
By Ben
WALT write complex by expanding them and adding detail
It was a lovely warm autumn day and I was looking for nuts minding my own business when suddenly a big dangerous hawk with huge beady eyes came darting at me!
I started scurrying, I scurried as fast as I could through the forest of falling leaves. Then I had a great idea! I thought that if i climbed the trees the hawk wouldn't find me.But i was wrong! The hawk swarmed after me. Right to the tippy top of the tree! I had no where to go so I just kept climbing and climbing until i came to a branch that lead over to another tree!
I ran and across and found myself in my home tree! I ran into my drey and hid! I hoped that the hawk wouldn't find me. But I was wrong AGAIN! The hawk landed on top of my drey and started to break it to pieces.
Then I found myself falling out of the tree with the hawk right behind me! It felt like I was falling for ages.
But as soon as I hit the ground I started running again and then I climbed another tree.
Then i actually had no where to go! The only way out was to try to take a huge leap to the next tree! But i realised it was either death or survival. I was determined to succeed. And I did!
I ran and ran all over the tree until I found somewhere to hide. There was a hollow hole in the tree and it was the perfect size for me!
I went inside the hole and calmed myself down. I had survived!
The hawk flew away. The war was won!!! It was a miracle! I hope this never happens to me again. Today was a life threatening day!
By Cody
The Hawk and Squirrel
One day I was wondering in a forest to look for food for my family and I.So I climbed up a tree and found a nut,but I thought to myself someone or something was stalking me from above.I looked up and saw a furious,hungry hawk watching me.The I ran as fast as I could carrying my nut.My heart was beating so fast,so then I climbed up a tree and hopped into my drey to relax for a while and I ate my nut.The hawk how ever, watched me go into the drey and he kicked it until I fell out.Then eventually, I fell out and landed on the pile of leaves.I looked up and saw the hawk was gliding above me.So I quickly make a turn and climb another tree and leaped branch to branch.Finally,I found a hole and crawled inside.The terrifying hawk still wonders and looks for me but he couldn't find me.So he flew away into the sky as he left me alone in the tree.
By Myla
'Dangerous Time
It was a warm autumn day and I saw the big forest around me. Lots of leaves are falling on my head.
I pop out from underneath the leaves and I looked around. I ran through the leaves and saw an enormous tree in front of me. So, I took a leap and started climbing the tree.
Then without me knowing, a dangerous creature was watching me as I started eating my nuts. That's what I normally do when I'm nervous!
All of a sudden, the dangerous creature came at me, so I started scurrying away. I leaped from tree to tree going to my drey.
But when I got inside the creature stopped. I was thing why? But just as I was thinking the creature jumped and landing on my drey and it made me fall.
After I fell down he chased me again. I made a giant leap to another tree then I landed I ran and ran to a hole in a tree in front of me. I was just small enough to fit in the hole. The creature tried to get me. But after a little while he gave up.
I peeked out, I was saved. It was a very close chase.
By Evangeline
WALT use descriptive language in our writing
By Myla
It was a warm autumn day and I saw the big forest around me. Lots of leaves are falling on my head.
I pop out from underneath the leaves and I looked around. I ran through the leaves and saw an enormous tree in front of me. So, I took a leap and started climbing the tree.
Then without me knowing, a dangerous creature was watching me as I started eating my nuts. That's what I normally do when I'm nervous!
All of a sudden, the dangerous creature came at me, so I started scurrying away. I leaped from tree to tree going to my drey.
But when I got inside the creature stopped. I was thing why? But just as I was thinking the creature jumped and landing on my drey and it made me fall.
After I fell down he chased me again. I made a giant leap to another tree then I landed I ran and ran to a hole in a tree in front of me. I was just small enough to fit in the hole. The creature tried to get me. But after a little while he gave up.
I peeked out, I was saved. It was a very close chase.
By Evangeline
After I fell down he chased me again. I made a giant leap to another tree then I landed I ran and ran to a hole in a tree in front of me. I was just small enough to fit in the hole. The creature tried to get me. But after a little while he gave up.
I peeked out, I was saved. It was a very close chase.
By Evangeline
WALT use descriptive language in our writing

Lake Wanaka. The stunning background of snow tipped mountain tops and trees the colour of burnt caramel makes the glasslike river have a glowing aura. I take a deep breath of clear oxygen as I slip into a slice of paradise. The pure water of Lake Wanaka washes away my worries as fast as lightning. As I float along with the calm rippling waves, I think of how spectacular it would be if YOU could join me for a swim! Lake Wanaka is the perfect place to go even if you're from a foreign country! Come along to New Zealand, Wanaka and have the most magical experience of your life! I feel that after you have finished reading this letter, you will come to Lake Wanaka as quick as sound! Remember to put Lake Wanaka onto your wish list as soon as you can!
By Chloe
You should definitely go to Lake Wanaka! It is such a beautiful place to go! Lake Wanaka may be as cold as ice, but it is paradise! Did you know that Lake Wanaka is as snowy as the North Pole? Imagine building all those snow men! At Lake Wanaka, you could make so many family memories that you would never forget! The water at Lake Wanaka is so glistening that you could see your reflection right off the tip of the water! You could climb mountain after mountain, then ski down or snow board! Wouldn't that be fun? Sliding down a snowy mountain while drinking a hot, delicious cup of soup! That's why you should definitely go to the amazing Lake Wanaka!
By Sophia
Lake Wanaka
You should go to Lake Wanaka because Lake Wanaka has a reflection like a mirror.
Lake Wanaka is incredible and unique because God made it like heaven.
You should go to Lake Wanaka because it glistens like the sunwhen the sun goes over it.
The mysterious Lake Wanaka is paradise in my own eyes.
The snowy peak are just about over the lake so you can relax and swim like a dolphin while watching the snowy peak.
By Evangeline :)
Lake Wanaka
Visit Lake Wanaka because the water is as peaceful as a feather. The scenery is heaven. The lake is as clean as a see through jelly fish. It is a spectacular place to visit. It is calm and extraordinary.
The water is calm and clean. There is a majestic mirror image. You should definitely visit Lake Wanaka because it is clean, beautiful, spectacular and extraordinary!
By Tajnoor
The wonderful place lake wanaka
Visit Lake Wanaka! It is the prettiest lake ever. This Lake is as looking through a glass cup. Lake Wanaka is like heaven, it has a splendid reflection from the icy cold water. You would never want to leave this place because it is so wonderful. This place is as wonderful as a rainbow. The snowy mountains and the sun light makes a spectacular and glistening view. It is a slice of heaven on earth.
By Georgia
Lake Wanaka
WOW everyone! You need to go visit Lake Wanaka. It's an extraordinary place to go visit with your friends and family. It is a beautiful and a stunning place to go camping. It will be as cold as ice so I suggest you wear a jacket and long pants. It will be to peaceful place to take photos and have a little walk.
By Myla
WALT use written language features to create meaning in a poem
Today, we wrote a raindrop poem about Usain Bolt. We used this picture from the Olympic 100m final for inspiration...
Fast as lightning
Super Fast Flash
Smiling at his opponents
Dashing through his opponents running
Running fast as a bolt
Wins the race
Gold Win
By Myla
Goes Bolt
Who goes "chop, chop!"
Smugly smiling once again
Will he win again, again?
Legs like pasta, steaming hot
The runway ablaze
ooh, hot hot!
By Chloe
Speedy skills
He dashes ahead
Faster than a flash
His speed is very frightening
He is Usain Bolt
By Tajnoor
Lake Wanaka
Visit Lake Wanaka because the water is as peaceful as a feather. The scenery is heaven. The lake is as clean as a see through jelly fish. It is a spectacular place to visit. It is calm and extraordinary.
The water is calm and clean. There is a majestic mirror image. You should definitely visit Lake Wanaka because it is clean, beautiful, spectacular and extraordinary!
By Tajnoor
The wonderful place lake wanaka
Visit Lake Wanaka! It is the prettiest lake ever. This Lake is as looking through a glass cup. Lake Wanaka is like heaven, it has a splendid reflection from the icy cold water. You would never want to leave this place because it is so wonderful. This place is as wonderful as a rainbow. The snowy mountains and the sun light makes a spectacular and glistening view. It is a slice of heaven on earth.
By Georgia
By Georgia
Lake Wanaka
WOW everyone! You need to go visit Lake Wanaka. It's an extraordinary place to go visit with your friends and family. It is a beautiful and a stunning place to go camping. It will be as cold as ice so I suggest you wear a jacket and long pants. It will be to peaceful place to take photos and have a little walk.
By Myla
WALT use written language features to create meaning in a poem
By Chloe
Speedy skills
He dashes ahead
Faster than a flash
His speed is very frightening
He is Usain Bolt
By Tajnoor
Zoom!Supersonic runner
Super Flash Fast
Smirking Ahead Of His Opponents
Accelerating Towards The Finish Line
Running Fast As A Bolt
He Is A Champion
Achievement Success
Super Flash Fast
Smirking Ahead Of His Opponents
Accelerating Towards The Finish Line
Running Fast As A Bolt
He Is A Champion
Achievement Success
By Cody!
By Cody!
WALT use descriptive language
We are still focussing on using descriptive language. So what better way to practice than describing our favourite foods! To start, we closed our eyes and imagined our favourite foods. We imagined how they tasted, what they smelled and looked like like, and how it makes us feel when we eat it! Then, we wrote a story about eating our favourite food. Room 3 produced some AWESOME pieces of writing. Here are some examples....
I walked into the sushi shop, to the counter. I could smell the soy sauce. I ordered the teriyaki sushi cause that is my favorite type of sushi. I could see the lady making the sushi. My mum paid and I sat on a chair waiting and waiting for the scrumptious sushi.
Finally, the sushi was made. It was really neat. ''It's time to taste it" I said to myself. I grabbed a piece of sushi and dragged it towards my watering mouth. I slowly took a bite. I could taste the chewy seaweed and the delicious chicken. The rice was squishy and soft. The rice was also sticky and everything was so crumbly because it fell apart.
Over all I give the sushi a 9/10 because it was really yum. I had a really nice dinner
By : Tajnoor Wander
One Saturday afternoon my family and I all sat down in the lounge, waiting for something to happen. Mum asks caleb to put on Captain America - The First Avenger. um gets up and I hear the clanking of the lollies mums putting in the bowls. Mum hands out the bowls and I see mentos!
The smell of all of mentos flavours all together.The smell of tthe mint mentos is making me want to eat it straight away. The spearmint smell is really strong because spearmint is just incredibly strong. The rainbow smell smells like grapes, strawberries, oranges, watermelons and one that I don't know the name of. All of the mentos together make a smell of rainbow mints.
Finally the popcorn was finished and it was time to eat my lollies. First I take a bite into a grape flavoured one.Delicious! When I bite into the mentos I hear the crunching.
The rainbow mentos looks like a rainbow without blue.The rainbow mentos colours are purple, pink, yellow, orange and a pinkish colour. The mint mentos isjust plain white. Lastof all the spearmint mentos is green! The mentos are round as well.
The mentos fellscold and hard like a hardened snowman.
I take another bite into a rainbow one. The mentos tastes like a small, little strawberry that got squashed into strawberry juice. Absoltely scrumptious! The mentos' are sucking lollies. The mint and spearmint are very minty. All of the are sweet and sugary. They are also chewy.
Mentos are my favourite food and lolly. When I have one it is mouthwatering!
By Evangeline
When I walked through the front door, there was a scrumptious smell. It smelled like a day at the beach playing with the salty seaweed. I walked into the kitchen and looked on the bench. There lying perfectly still, was a box that had 12 pieces of delicious sushi inside it! Then I saw the toppings. There was spicy wasabi, delicious ginger and salty soy sauce. My favourite! I imagined eating it draped in soy sauce. Then I felt the need for something to eat. So I opened the container and dished some sushi onto my plate. Then I looked at the sushi. It was round and had lots of different colours in it, like skin colour for the tuna, red for the capsicum, green for the lettuce, white for the rice and dark green for the seaweed. Then I got out my chopsticks and started to eat. When I put the first piece in my mouth it felt like I was in heaven! It tasted like sticky rice, chewy tuna, salty seaweed, healthy capsicum and nutritious lettuce. Because that is what it was. Then I put soy sauce on the next piece and put it in my mouth. I could feel the delicious soy sauce running down my throat and into my belly.
It was stupendous! After that I tried sushi with wasabi on it. It was so spicy but was also quite yum because i love to eat spicy foods. Lastly, I put ginger on my last piece of sushi and when I put it in my mouth it felt like I was at candy land. Because the ginger tasted like ginger bread and it was magnificent! That is why sushi and all its toppings are my favourite food!!!
By Cody!!
It was dinner time so I started to walk to the table but suddenly I stopped and smelt the amazing goodness of the delicious dinner. I knew that incredible smell anywhere. It was mince pie.
It looked astonishing with all the veges with it. It had mixed veges and the one and only mashed potatoes! DELIGHTFUL!
It was time for the delicous stunning dinner. It is on my precious plate ready to get eaten. As I slice the pie I can hear the knife slicing on the plate. I feel the mince going down my throat. It is the most scumptious food that I have ever eaten!
By Jaden
Finally, the sushi was made. It was really neat. ''It's time to taste it" I said to myself. I grabbed a piece of sushi and dragged it towards my watering mouth. I slowly took a bite. I could taste the chewy seaweed and the delicious chicken. The rice was squishy and soft. The rice was also sticky and everything was so crumbly because it fell apart.
Over all I give the sushi a 9/10 because it was really yum. I had a really nice dinner
By : Tajnoor Wander
The rainbow mentos looks like a rainbow without blue.The rainbow mentos colours are purple, pink, yellow, orange and a pinkish colour. The mint mentos isjust plain white. Lastof all the spearmint mentos is green! The mentos are round as well.
The mentos fellscold and hard like a hardened snowman.
I take another bite into a rainbow one. The mentos tastes like a small, little strawberry that got squashed into strawberry juice. Absoltely scrumptious! The mentos' are sucking lollies. The mint and spearmint are very minty. All of the are sweet and sugary. They are also chewy.
Mentos are my favourite food and lolly. When I have one it is mouthwatering!
By Evangeline
By Cody!!
WALT use descriptive language
We watched a short film about two octopuses. We retold the story by using descriptive language to add detail and excitement! The film has no dialogue, so we came up with our own names for the characters.
Here is the video we watched:
Here is the video we watched:
Blob looked lovingly into Sophie's eye's. Blob never knew how much two octopuses could love eachother. Sophie put her tentacles around Blobs body. They were hugging.
Then suddenly a man came and took away Sophie! When he took her away, Blob imagined Sophie getting chopped into pieces! Blob caught up to the van and saw Sophie was in the chilli bin. The driver saw Blob and he got a fright. Then they started to fight! Finally they escaped. To escape they jumped in multiple pools to get to the sea. The pool water was crystal clear! When they jumped out of all the pools they got caught again. But they escaped from that evil man that was close! The evil man crashed through the stone buildings and straight into the glistening sea. Blob and Sophie just sat on the power line smiling. Then tragedy struck when a seagull came and took the heroic Blob. Then Sophie decided to slingshot her self to Blob because she loves him so much!💖
By Leanne
By Leanne
Ryan and Rebecca were looking into each others eyes. Rebecca wrapped her purple tentacles around Ryan's orange body. They hugged each other tightly.
Then Rebecca got taken by Marshall (the man) and was put in a cooler and went into the car. After that, Ryan had a quick dream of the symbol on the car, which is a octopus getting cut up. Then Ryan runs out of the tank he was in to save Rebecca.
Once Ryan reaches the car he hops on. And nearly climbs through the half put down window but then Marshall sees him and whacks Ryan but he kept dodging Marshalls whacks. The lid was open so Rebecca pulled the lever Anders car was spinning round and round like a merry-go-round. Rebecca and Ryan go flying in the air. Then Marshall stepped on the grey exclerator really hard and drove to Rebecca and Ryan who was getting help up the wall. Marshall missed them, Ryan and Rebecca were diving pool to pool and then onto a umbrella then a big bouncy ball and they went flying once they were closer to the ground Marshall reached out to grab them. Then they went down steps so Marshall screamed really loud then Ryan whacked Marshall in the face with his tentacles, Marshall then whacked Ryan and Rebecca on the roof of the car, after that Ryan and Rebecca squirted Marshall in the face again but with ink. Ryan and Rebecca held onto the powerlines.
Marshall goes flying off the edge into the ocean and drowns. A sea gull flys over and grabs Ryan with its yellow feet. Then Rebecca sling shots her self at Ryan and the sea gull.
They lived happily ever after!!!!!! ( I think!!!!)
By Charlotte😊😀
Jack and Rose
Jack and Rose looked lovingly into each other's eyes. They were in love! Aw! They never stopped looking at each other, but then, danger struck! WHOOSH! Out went Rose!
Jack has got to do something, or Rose will be in big trouble! He needs to think of something, and FAST!
Jack ran outof the tank and hopped as fast as his tentacles could take him! He lefta lot of yucky goo on the floor. Now that was a lot of work!
Before the truck went, Jack jumped on the bumper and held on for dear life. He went to the front of the truck and put his ugly face in front of the window. The driver was frightened and tried to catch him, but instead, the driver put him on the windscreen. So he tried to take him off by the windscreen wipers. But then Rose put the handbrake on.So the car kept spinning around!
This was their chance to get rid of that vicious beast! Uh-oh! Driver's back in the game! Jack and Rose jumped from one pool to another. When they tried to jump to another pool,the driver caught them in mid-air! But... bump, bump, bump, the vehicle goes down the stairs and into the ocean and the octopuses got stuck on the power line.
After a few minutes, a seagull swooped down and grabbed Jack.The seagull didn't know that trouble was heading his way! FLING! Rose sling-shot into the sky.
Mike looked into Lisa's eyes lovingly. Mike never knew how much two octopuses could love each other. Lisa put her tentacles around Mike's body.
Then suddenly a hand grabbed Lisa from out of the tank and put her in a cooler bin. Then she got put in a truck which then drove away! When Mike saw what was happening he sneaked out of his tanks and followed the truck.
The truck drove down a brick road surrounded by lots of gorgeous white buildings. Then Mike jumped up on the roof of the truck and made his way up to the front.Then he jumped in the window and started to attack! The driver punched Mike and he flung out on to the wind sheild. Then the driver furiously turned the window wipers on and tried to fling Mike off!
Meanwhile Lisa was trying to pull the hand brakes up and after a while she did. Both Lisa and Mike flung out the truck to the side of the road. The truck driver had a little black out.
When he woke up he saw the two octopuses pulling each other to the top of the wall. So he stepped on the exelerator and tried to squash them! Luckily they managed to escape by falling into a pool and then started jumping from pool to pool.
Then they got grabbed by the angry man and taken into the truck. But they managed to escape by jumping on to a power line.
While they watched the truck driver fall into the ocean. Suddenly there was squawking and two minuets later Mike had been taken by a pesky seagull! Then Lisa got so mad that she sling shotted her self up into the sky to follow the seagull!
The End
By Cody!
Jack and Rose
Jack and Rose looked lovingly into each other's eyes. They were in love! Aw! They never stopped looking at each other, but then, danger struck! WHOOSH! Out went Rose!
Jack has got to do something, or Rose will be in big trouble! He needs to think of something, and FAST!
Jack ran outof the tank and hopped as fast as his tentacles could take him! He lefta lot of yucky goo on the floor. Now that was a lot of work!
Before the truck went, Jack jumped on the bumper and held on for dear life. He went to the front of the truck and put his ugly face in front of the window. The driver was frightened and tried to catch him, but instead, the driver put him on the windscreen. So he tried to take him off by the windscreen wipers. But then Rose put the handbrake on.So the car kept spinning around!
This was their chance to get rid of that vicious beast! Uh-oh! Driver's back in the game! Jack and Rose jumped from one pool to another. When they tried to jump to another pool,the driver caught them in mid-air! But... bump, bump, bump, the vehicle goes down the stairs and into the ocean and the octopuses got stuck on the power line.
After a few minutes, a seagull swooped down and grabbed Jack.The seagull didn't know that trouble was heading his way! FLING! Rose sling-shot into the sky.
The End!!! (: By Ingrid
Pink and Caleb's Crazy Day!
Pink and Caleb held hands and started to hug as they looked into each others eyes. Then at that moment, a hand in a glove came down and snatched Pink away. The glove put Pink on a scale and then in a freezing cooler.
Caleb went on the wall and thought for a moment that his wonderful beloved Pink will die and he will never see her again! So Caleb left the tank and left water splashes everywhere he walked. Just as the glove man got the car/van to start, Caleb jumped onto the bumper bit at the back of the mean van and van/glove driver. Caleb moved in the van and got to open window and opened the box. But the crazy glove man looked over at him and back to the road and looked back at him and started trying to punch Caleb. Caleb got the cooler open but he got flung to the front window. The man put the window wipers on to get him off. During this Pink got out of the cooler and pulled the handle break. The octopus' got out and the guy blacked out for a second. Pink saw water down below the bridge and tried to pick Caleb up. Then the man saw and started the car but they just jumped off the bridge into the swimming pool. They kept on doing it into the other pools. The last pool was far away though so they tied there best and missed and fell into the man's hands. The man hit them on the van but they used their ink to squirt him and held onto the power line. The man had bad luck because he fell into the salty water eww! Pink and Caleb were happy but then a seagull came and took Caleb away, but Pink did a incredible SLINGSHOT!
By Evangeline :)
Caleb went on the wall and thought for a moment that his wonderful beloved Pink will die and he will never see her again! So Caleb left the tank and left water splashes everywhere he walked. Just as the glove man got the car/van to start, Caleb jumped onto the bumper bit at the back of the mean van and van/glove driver. Caleb moved in the van and got to open window and opened the box. But the crazy glove man looked over at him and back to the road and looked back at him and started trying to punch Caleb. Caleb got the cooler open but he got flung to the front window. The man put the window wipers on to get him off. During this Pink got out of the cooler and pulled the handle break. The octopus' got out and the guy blacked out for a second. Pink saw water down below the bridge and tried to pick Caleb up. Then the man saw and started the car but they just jumped off the bridge into the swimming pool. They kept on doing it into the other pools. The last pool was far away though so they tied there best and missed and fell into the man's hands. The man hit them on the van but they used their ink to squirt him and held onto the power line. The man had bad luck because he fell into the salty water eww! Pink and Caleb were happy but then a seagull came and took Caleb away, but Pink did a incredible SLINGSHOT!
By Evangeline :)
WALT write a recount using exciting language
We watched a video of a fireman saving a kitten from a house that had caught fire. Some of us wrote a recount from the fireman's point of view, while others wrote a recount of what the audience saw.
Here is the video we watched:
Check out some of our awesome writing!
Last week there was a fire inside a house so the Fire brigade had to rush over quickly.When they put the fire out they checked the house to see if anything else needed to be put out.
When he went inside the house he checked the whole house and shone his torchlight on the ground and that's when he found the baby kitten.
He picked it up told his friend then went outside to save it he put the kitten on his glove.Just in case of any sharp objects on the ground. He gave the kitten a oxygen mask,the kitten was squeezing the oxygen bag he put cold water on it so that it'll cool him down and to give him a little shock then he had a little stretch. Then the fireman put the kitten into his arms to keep it nice and cozy.
By Leanne!!
By Leanne!!
Last week there was a fire inside a house. Three fireman came. They went inside the house then they saw a cute little kitten lying down the dirty ground. So the fireman picked up the kitten and they took the kitten outside the house. Then the fireman put the kitten down the ground. Then the fireman took an oxygen mask and then they put it on the kitten so the kitten can breath. Next they took a water bottle and they poured it on the kittens body. Lastly they gave the kitten a little more oxygen then finally the kitten woke up and the fireman gave the kitten a warm hug.
By Hanna
In a house fire there was a family that escaped their burning home, but didn't save there kitten. The firemen went into the house with ashes everywhere. They needed flashlights, to see and find the kitten.
He was hugging the little kitten as he walked outside the burnt home. He had been really worried and wanted to keep it safe.
He rushed to find a oxygen mask and gave oxygen to let it breathe properly, he put cold water on a small towel to give it a bit of a shock. He watched the kitten stretch its paws and was breathing good. The fireman held the kitten in his arms and kept it warm, he felt relieved and hopeful as he cuddled it.
By Bradley
By Bradley
By Cody
WALT use alliteration
Myla's Alliteration
Magic,mad Myla Mangalino, stole malificent's mega, marshmellow money.
Charlotte's Alliteration
Charlotte the chef is creative and cute and she's cool as candy floss she's also cool, caring, colourful and charming. I can be cautious as chocolate ice cream!!!!!
Travis' Alliteration
Tippy tinkletoes tripped Travis through the twister.Travis was tossed in the thrilling twister.
Terrific Travis took the test to tippy tinnkeltoes.
Bradley's Alliteration
Brainy Brad was a bad bossy balloon burglar.
Brads dog baked blue bossy baby's.
Brainy Brads brand was big and blue.
Tremayne's Alliteration
On Thursdays tremendous Tremayne buys Tic Tac on Trade-me.
Ted the teddy bear threw a Taco at Tremayne today.
Tomorrow teenagers will takeover Taco Tuesday.
A tall time-traveling Tyrannosaurus-Rex Tackled a Taco thief.
Turtles took-over the Taxi.
The tall teacher is actually a Terrifying, Tender Tiger.
The tiny troopers tackled the Teacher last Tuesday.
Tremayne tackled Tom the Tyrannosaurus-Rex.
Tasty Tuna travel to Thailand, to takeover their two Taxi's.
Tense Tigers tackle teenagers.
Tremayne talks to a tasty turkey.
Thousands of Turtles taste tasty today.
Tiny tacos taste Tender.
Ten tremendous Teenagers travel to Tasmania.
Tarantula troopers travel to Thailand.
The Teacher tackles Taco the Tyrannosaurus-Rex.
Jayshal's Alliteration
Jazz jumped over Jupiter into a jukebox full of jolly jay shall and Jayden's.
Jayshal and Jaden's jolly jukebox jumped into a jawless joker with jaguars and jazzy Jupiter.
Leanne's Alliteration
Leanne's Alliteration
Leanne the lazy legend likes to lick lollipops with a lemon on top.
Leanne the leader of lasagna loves lizards.
Hanna's Alliteration
Hanna's Alliteration
Hanna the horrible handsome helpful hero!
Hanna the harsh hunter!
Hanna the happy hippy honourable hero!
Cody's Alliteration
Cody's Alliteration
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