Bye Bye Hippo
It's a sad day for Auckland as their last hippo has died. Faith, a 41-year old hippopotamus, died from a disease in the lungs. Her lungs bled and it was incurable. So, the vets had to put her down to put her out of her misery and pain.
A few months earlier, in March, Faith's son, Fudge, died at the age of 28. He was born in 1988 and Faith was born in 1975. Hippo's have a lifespan of 40 - 50 years. Sadly, Fudge didn't make it to the average life expectancy.
By Room 3
WALT summarise the main ideas of the text
The Silent Win
Mahy Dysdale wins gold again in a photo finish race. Dysdale won his second olympic gold medal for the men's single skull rowing.
Croatian rower, Damir Martin, led the race until 1500m, when Drysdale took the lead. It was a close race right up until the end! In fact, it was so close that the judges had to go to the photo at the finish line to see who won!
As both rowers crossed the finish line, there was a long, silent and nervous wait. Finally, the judges had made their decision! Mahy Drysdale was awarded the gold medal! Although, both rowers were credited for their outstanding effort and achievement.
Here is the photo of the the rowers crossing the finish line:
WALT make connections between prior knowledge and information explained in the text
Today we read a 'explanation' piece of writing about the Christchurch earthquake. Some of us knew a little bit about it, so it was cool that we could link our prior knowledge to our new knowledge!
We then summarised our new knowledge but answering some questions. Here are out answers:
One city-Two earthquakes.
2.The most shaking on the earthquakes was at Darfield in September earthquake.On the February earthquake it was at Lyttelton.
3.Liquefaction is when solid soil loses its strength and turns into liquid.
4.Earthquakes are caused because plates(the ones under the crust of the world)hit together and shakes to make an earthquake. many earthquakes are in New Zealand because New Zealand is right between the Australia plate and the pacific plate.
By Hanna
One City - Two Earthquakes!
Gryffindor is reading 'Esio Trot' by Roald Dahl. Here are some questions they have answered about the book...
By Travis
Ravenclaw is reading 'Danny the Champion of the World' by Roald Dahl. Here are some questions they have answered about the book so far...
The Silent Win
Mahy Dysdale wins gold again in a photo finish race. Dysdale won his second olympic gold medal for the men's single skull rowing.
Croatian rower, Damir Martin, led the race until 1500m, when Drysdale took the lead. It was a close race right up until the end! In fact, it was so close that the judges had to go to the photo at the finish line to see who won!
As both rowers crossed the finish line, there was a long, silent and nervous wait. Finally, the judges had made their decision! Mahy Drysdale was awarded the gold medal! Although, both rowers were credited for their outstanding effort and achievement.
Here is the photo of the the rowers crossing the finish line:
WALT make connections between prior knowledge and information explained in the text
Today we read a 'explanation' piece of writing about the Christchurch earthquake. Some of us knew a little bit about it, so it was cool that we could link our prior knowledge to our new knowledge!
We then summarised our new knowledge but answering some questions. Here are out answers:
One city-Two earthquakes.
1. Why was the February earthquake so much worse than the September one?
It was more worse than the September one because the plates were shallower than the other one. It was also midday where more people were out when the earthquake happened.
2. Where did the most shaking occur during the earthquakes?
The September one was near darfeald and the February one was near Lyttelton.
3. What is liquefaction?
Its when soil lose strength and acts like water
4. What cases earthquakes?
Its when two plats collide
By Travis
3. What is liquefaction?
Its when soil lose strength and acts like water
4. What cases earthquakes?
Its when two plats collide
By Travis
One City - Two Earthquakes
(1) February's earthquake was far more worse than Septembers earthquake because it was much more shallow which means it would more likely to hit and do more destruction and also the Feburary's earthquake was during the afternoon so more people would of been injured or perhaps even killed!
(2) In September the most shaking was at Darfield because thats where the epicenter was, and during the Feburary's earthquake the most shaking was at Lyttlelton because the epicenter was there.
(3) Liquefaction is when the soil is shaken so hard, it starts to act like a liquid. Sometimes in areas of Christchurch the soil is soft and sandy then the earthquake forces the liquid/water underneath to force itself up to the surface.
(4) Earthquakes are caused by the earth's rocky layer crashes and divides and rubs against eachother and a small gap between them called a "fault line". This fault line creates a epicenter where it wants to hit. Most earthquakes are uncontrollable or unexpected but be ready.
(5) There are so many earthquakes in New Zealand because there is a massive fault line that goes right through the crust below New Zealand and that causes the earthquakes to hit in multiple places in New Zealand.
By Tremayne
By Tremayne
One City-Two Earthquakes
1.The February earthquake was so much worse than the September because in the February earthquake, most people would work in tall buildings but, in the September earthquake, people were sleeping.
2.The most shaking in the earthquake was in Darfield and in Lyttelton.
3.LiqueFaction is when soil turns weak because of the shaking water then it rises up and the soil becomes hard
4.Earthquakes are caused by the plates when they crash together and that's when the ground starts to shake.
5.So many earthquakes are in NZ because NZ has 2 plates that run through the country.The 2 plates are the Pacific plate and the australian plate.
By Myla
4.Earthquakes are caused by the plates when they crash together and that's when the ground starts to shake.
5.So many earthquakes are in NZ because NZ has 2 plates that run through the country.The 2 plates are the Pacific plate and the australian plate.
By Myla
One city
two earthquakes.
1.The February earthquake was worse because it was closer the the earths crust and because the September earthquake was 10 km under the earth
2.The most shaking happened in the epicenter,on the September earthquake it was 40 km west of the city.
3.When soil "solid" is shaken to hard it loses strength and behaves like liqud.
4.Earth quakes are caused by tectonic plates. Tectonic plates rub togther and makes earth quake.
5. So many earth quakes occur in New Zealand because of the Pacific plates and Austrailia plates are right though the country.
4.Earth quakes are caused by tectonic plates. Tectonic plates rub togther and makes earth quake.
5. So many earth quakes occur in New Zealand because of the Pacific plates and Austrailia plates are right though the country.
One city-two earthquakes By Emman
1.The February earthquake was worse than the September earthquake because people were out where the earthquake was but in the September one it was bigger but people were sleeping in their home. (they were not out side)
2.The most shaking on the earthquakes was at Darfield in September earthquake.On the February earthquake it was at Lyttelton.
3.Liquefaction is when solid soil loses its strength and turns into liquid.
4.Earthquakes are caused because plates(the ones under the crust of the world)hit together and shakes to make an earthquake. many earthquakes are in New Zealand because New Zealand is right between the Australia plate and the pacific plate.
By Emman
1) The Febuary quake was much worse than the September one
Because in September quake a few people were only injured.
2) The most shaking occur at the epicentre was the
Lyttelton and the Darfield.
3) Liquefiction happens when soil,which is a solid,
Is shaken so hard that it loses it's strength and liquid
4) The thing that causes the earthquake is called plates.
The plates are the things that crash into each other's.
5) There's many earthquake in New Zealand because
the boundary of the plate runs through the country.
By Hanna
1) The February earthquake was much more worse than the September earthquake because the magnitude was more lower.
2) In September the most shacking happened near Darfield.
And in February it happened near Lyttelton.
3) Liquefaction is when water overfloods the soil then it becomes weak.
4) The things that causes earthquakes is that if the plates crash in to each other.
5) So many earthquakes happen in New Zealand because their are two plates that are moving towards each other.
By Leanne
By Leanne
1. the reason why /the February one was worse then the september one is because the February shaking ewas more shallow then the September quake
2. Liquefaction is when a solid (soil) is shoke really hard and loses up and behaves like a type of liquid.
3. Septembers earthquake was close to Darfeild,
February's earthquake was close to lyttleton.
4. Earthquakes are caused when two plates hit together (crush) and makes the ground shake and break.
5. So many earthquakes happen in New Zealand because the plate boundary goes straight through the country.
By Charlotte
1. February was so much worse than September because people would be sleeping in September one but in Februaries one people were awake. In September no one acturly died directly by the earthquake.
2.The shaking occured mainly in Darfield for September and for February it happeneed in Lyttelton.
3. Liquefaction is when soil looses its strength and pretends to be a liquid.
4. Plates cause earthquakes by them smashing together which affects the earth.
5. NZ gets a lot earthquakes because a lot of NZ has a fault line on it so when they clash together it becomes a earthquake.
By Jaden
By Jaden
1. The February earthquake was worse than the September earthquake because the earthquake happened during mid day when people are out going places and doing things!
2. In September the most shaking occurred in Darfeild , but in February the most shaking was in Littleton!
3. Liquefaction is when soil is shaken really hard that it loses all it's strength and turns into a soft liquid!
4. Earthquakes happen when plates across the surface of the earth travel slowly, then then, two plates push against each other like rhinos and pressure starts to build up near the plate boundary! Then the crust ruptures break and the rock on either side of the fault line moves, causing the ground to shake!
5. There are lot's of earthquakes in New Zealand because the boundary of the two plates run right through New Zealand, causing the plates to break!
By Sophia
One City - Two Earthquakes!
1. The February earthquake was worse than the September earthquake because everything was weakened by the September earthquake.
2. An epicenter can tell where the most shaking occur. The September earthquake was Darfield. The February earthquake was Lyttelton.
3. Liquefaction is when the soil doesn't do it's job and the water comes up and the soil gets all muddy.
4. Earthquakes are caused when two tech tonic plates hit each other. The Christchurch earthquake happened by the Australian plate and the Pacific plate rubbing together.
5. Lots of earthquakes happen in New Zealand because we are on top of a plate boundary.
By Evangeline
One City - Two Earthquakes
1:The February earthquake was worse than the September one because people were out and about while buildings were collapsing around them!
2: The most shaking in the earthquake occurred in Darfeild and lyttleton.
3:Liquefaction is mud which is caused by the shaking weakening the soil and the water coming up and flooding houses.
4:Earthquakes are caused when the two plates under the earths crust crash together and make the earth shake!
5:Earthquakes occur in NZ because our country is right on top of the fault line.
By Cody!!!
One City- Two Earthquakes
1. The February earthquake was worse than the September one because people were out and about at work and in their car going to work.
2. For the September earthquake , the most shaking occurred at the epicenter were the fault line was. The epicenter for the September earthquake was near Darfield but the February earthquake occurred near Lyttleton.
3.Liquefaction happens when soil is shaken so hard it behaves like liquid.
4. An earthquake happens when two tech tonic plates push against each other at the fault line which builds pressure and breaks the earths crust.
5. There are so many earthquakes in New Zealand because the boundary of two plates run right throuth the country.
By: Tajnoor Wander
Gryffindor is reading 'Esio Trot' by Roald Dahl. Here are some questions they have answered about the book...
1. Did you like the ending of the story?
Yes i do like the ending of the story because it is a happy ending and I like happy endings.
2. What I would of done if i was in the story.
What I would have done if I was in the story is get some lettuce and make Mrs silver believe that it is special and change the tortoises.
By Travis
Ravenclaw is reading 'Danny the Champion of the World' by Roald Dahl. Here are some questions they have answered about the book so far...
Q1 : What is poaching??
Poaching is a type of sport when people kill an animal and take their skin as a trophy.
Q2 : Did Danny think poaching was the same as stealing? Do you??
I think Danny thought poaching was not the same as stealing because in the story, he actually wanted to go with father to go poach.
Q3 : What did his father poach?
Danny's father poached pheasants.
Q4 : When Danny's father was young, why did the village men go poaching?
The village men went poaching not only because they loved the sport, but also because they needed the pheasants meat for their family to cook and eat.
Q5 : What is vermin?
Vermin is animals who go after pheasants. ( also known as the pheasants predators )
Q6 : Do you think that Danny approved of his fathers passion for poaching?
Yes, I do think that Danny approved of his fathers passion for poaching because in the story, Danny said he wanted to go poach with his father.
Q7 : Now that Danny's father has told him about his secret do you think Danny will become a poacher??
Yes, I think Danny will become a poacher because his father influenced him.
Q1.What is poaching?
Question: Make A Prediction.1: Poaching is when you kill animals that you don't need to kill.
2: Danny did think poaching was stealing because your're killing and taking pheasants from other people
3: Danny's father loved to poach pheasants.
4: All the village men went poaching because they needed food for their families.
5: Vermin are the pheasants predators like rats and stoats.
6: I think Danny did not approve of his father's passion for poaching.
7: Yes I think Danny will become a poacher just like his dad and grandad.
By Cody!
Q1.What is poaching?
A1.Poaching is when you hunt\kill animals.
Q2.Did Danny think poaching was the same thing as stealing?
A2.Danny did think that poaching and stealing were the same because he thought his dad was gonna steal pheasants.
Q3.What did his father poach?
A3.Danny's father poached pheasants.
Q4.When Danny's father was young, why did the village men go poaching?
A4.All the village men went poaching because they needed food for the families.
Q5.What is vermin?
A5.Vermin is one of the pheasant's predators.
Q6.Do you think that Danny approved of his father's passion for poaching?
A6.I think that Danny didn't approve his father's passion for poaching because Danny thinks that poaching is stealing.
Q7.Now that Danny's father has told him his secret do you think that Danny will become a poacher?
A7.I think that Danny would become a poacher because on the title page, it has Danny holding a pheasants.
By Myla
Q2.Did Danny think poaching was the same thing as stealing?
A2.Danny did think that poaching and stealing were the same because he thought his dad was gonna steal pheasants.
Q3.What did his father poach?
A3.Danny's father poached pheasants.
Q4.When Danny's father was young, why did the village men go poaching?
A4.All the village men went poaching because they needed food for the families.
Q5.What is vermin?
A5.Vermin is one of the pheasant's predators.
Q6.Do you think that Danny approved of his father's passion for poaching?
A6.I think that Danny didn't approve his father's passion for poaching because Danny thinks that poaching is stealing.
Q7.Now that Danny's father has told him his secret do you think that Danny will become a poacher?
A7.I think that Danny would become a poacher because on the title page, it has Danny holding a pheasants.
By Myla
Answer: I predict that later on in the story, Danny and his father will pull a daring and devilish plot against someone.
Question: Describe A Setting.
Answer: The main setting of the story has feilds and feilds of grass and trees. The trees sit still while next to Danny's Gypsie caravan. The Grass sways from side to side as the birds chirp their lovely songs.
Question: List 3 Events That Happend.
Answer: The first one is when Danny finds out his father is poaching from an area far away during the night. The second one is when Danny and his beloved father make fire balloons and kites and let them soar high above the clouds. The final one is when Danny and his father are in their bunk beds and Danny's father tells a story about the BFG and when he saw the BFG.
1: My prediction is that they will work together to be world champions.
2a: My description for Danny's father would be he is caring and he would do anything to make his son Danny happy.
2b: My description for Danny would be he is different to other children because he learnt things you don't usely do as a kid.
3: The three events that has happened are...
When Danny was five he took apart an engine.
Danny and his father made a kite with old things they found in the work shop.
Danny and his father made a fire ballon (a lantern) and followed it for miles untill the fire ballon landed on a field with white and black spotted cows ( MOOWWW).
By Jade 😜
A. I think Danny and his Dad will get caught hunting by the person who owns the pheasants and get in big trouble!
2. Q. Who is the most interesting character and why?
A. I think Danny's dad because he is always so mysterious around Danny.
3. Q. What do you think will happen next in the story?
A. I think Danny and his Dad will go hunting and maybe get caught!
By Jasmine
1. Describe the setting
The setting takes place near fields and woody hills. The father owns his own filling station and a caravan. The filling station was on an old country road in the middle of the fields!
2. Describe two characters - Dad, Danny
By what I have read so far I would describe the father as caring. Considering that he has to look after Danny all by himself! I also think Dad is proud of Danny and has faith that he can achieve his dreams for when he is older!
I would describe Danny, as thankful that his father takes care of him and supports him. He has big dreams and hopes to make them come true! He is desperate to hear his fathers stories and find out what happens!
3. What type of story is this and why?
The book Danny and the Champion of the world is definitely fiction! Mainly because it has made up stories, and a lot of things that are impossible and made up!
By Sophia
Describe 2 characters
Danny is a boy who lives in a caravan, in the countryside with his dad.
Danny's dad is a mechanic and owns a filling station.Someday he would like Danny to be a mechanic like him.
Describe the setting
The setting is in the countryside,Danny's dad's filling station and Danny and his dad's caravan.
Summarize the story so far
Danny and his dad live in a caravan.Danny's dad told him stories about the Big Friendly Giant known as the BFG. Danny's dad is a mechanic and owns a filling station.Danny has been helping his dad for a few years.Until he went to school.
By Myla
By Sophia
Describe 2 characters
Danny is a boy who lives in a caravan, in the countryside with his dad.
Danny's dad is a mechanic and owns a filling station.Someday he would like Danny to be a mechanic like him.
Describe the setting
The setting is in the countryside,Danny's dad's filling station and Danny and his dad's caravan.
Summarize the story so far
Danny and his dad live in a caravan.Danny's dad told him stories about the Big Friendly Giant known as the BFG. Danny's dad is a mechanic and owns a filling station.Danny has been helping his dad for a few years.Until he went to school.
By Myla
1.My prediction for Danny: Danny is a boy and he's bound to be a mechanic just like his father. Danny looks up to his father like a star.
1.My prediction for Danny's father: Danny's father is a mechanic and he's a loving father to father to Danny. He's super brave and caring.
2.I think the story couldn't really be real. The reason why I think that is because I use just have a feeling and also because of the blurb.
3. I think this story is fiction so far because I don't think anyone that is five can pull apart an engine and put it back together really fast!!
By Charlotte
By Charlotte
List 3 events that have happened-
- Danny and his father make a fire balloon and kite together.
- Danny's father is a mechanic.
- They live in a gypsy caravan.
Describe the setting-
They live in the peaceful, woody hills, surrounded by ancient bushes and a single apple tree.
Who is the most interesting character?
I think the most interesting character in the story, is Danny's dad because he has all the talents a wife needs to take care of his child, ( Danny).
By Chloe
WALT summarise the main points of an article
Today, we read an article about an escaped unicorn that was dressed up as a pony! Here is our summary of the story:
Unicorn Run!
A few days ago, in California, a unicorn ran away! Her name was Juliet. However, she wasn't a unicorn - she was actually a pony dressed up for a birthday party. Juliet had a unicorn horn attached to her bridle.
Juliet ran through a lot of heavy traffic and caused a huge traffic jam and mayhem! Luckily, she made it to the other side of the road safely but was still getting chased by police. A helicopter was used to track the unicorn in a chase that lasted for 3 hours!
The chase ended when Juliet stopped running as she found another horse. Room 3 thinks it was her boyfriend and we want to call him Romeo! Juliet was then taken beck to her home, safe and sound!
By room 3
By Chloe
WALT summarise the main points of an article
Greenhouse gasses are heating up NZ
A recent study has shown that New Zealand is producing more and more greenhouse gasses (bad gasses that act like a blanket around the earth).
The study has shown that Australia produces more greenhouse gasses than NZ, but NZ produces more than the UK and Japan per person.
Greenhouse gasses are bad because they warm up the earth and can cause the polar ice cap (like Antarctica) to melt. That means there is no where for the polar bears and penguins to live!
In NZ, power companies and agriculture (farming) produce the most greenhouse gasses. They make up 89% of NZ's greenhouse gas emissions.
We think it's bad to use non-renewable sources of energy (like coal) because they pollute our air. NZ needs to use better and more sources of renewable energy (like windmills and water).
By room 3
WALT summarise the main points of an article
$10, 000 hacker
A ten year old boy named Jani from Finland was paid $10, 000 from hacking into Instagram. He found a huge security flaw that allowed him to delete other people's comments on other people's photos and videos.
He was not a bad hacker because he reported the flaw straight away. He reported the flaw to Facebook, because they own Instagram.
He is the youngest paid hacker in the world. The title was previously held by a 13 year old boy.
It is common for social media companies to pay hackers to find security flaws. Over 800 hackers worldwide have collectively made $4.3 million.
Room 3 thinks that it is smart of Facebook to pay hackers to find security flaws.
By Room 3
WALT summarise the main points of an article
Today, we read an article about an escaped unicorn that was dressed up as a pony! Here is our summary of the story:
Unicorn Run!
A few days ago, in California, a unicorn ran away! Her name was Juliet. However, she wasn't a unicorn - she was actually a pony dressed up for a birthday party. Juliet had a unicorn horn attached to her bridle.
Juliet ran through a lot of heavy traffic and caused a huge traffic jam and mayhem! Luckily, she made it to the other side of the road safely but was still getting chased by police. A helicopter was used to track the unicorn in a chase that lasted for 3 hours!
The chase ended when Juliet stopped running as she found another horse. Room 3 thinks it was her boyfriend and we want to call him Romeo! Juliet was then taken beck to her home, safe and sound!
By room 3
Great job room 3
ReplyDeleterun away unicorn who could think of that how about are home work could be to go on and make a story .
ReplyDeleteBy Emma Thys
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteNice job room 3! - Natalia Hattaway